Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I just couldnt...

I am so down
I couldnt convince myself
that being alone is okay
because it is not.

I am so down
I couldnt stop myself
from feeling jealous of people
who are so-in-love & are in loved in return.

I am so down
I couldnt erase the fact
that I am so afraid of being alone
and who knows how long it will last?

I am so down
I couldnt stop aging
that i had walked pass half my lifetime
without finding someone who really loves me.

I am so down
I couldnt see my future
whether I will find The One, at all.

I am so down
I couldnt control myself
to stop thinking about all these shit-s
that affects myself so deeply.

I am so down
And I will give myself one day
to feel how deeply down I could be
Because tomorrow
I will not let this feeling conquer me again.

And this is me,
please allow me to feel depress today...


  1. when morning comes, dawn of a new day, lift your head high and face the sun, walk the life... know that you are never alone..there are still friends and family....care about you.It may not be the special person kind of love, but realise it is still a nice warm feeling.Pretty gal like you will not stay single for long....take your time to know other guys,find the one that will match your personality best...the sooner you stop feeling depreseed, the earlier you can start observing for the new mr. Right. It is alright to feel depress or cry when you feel like it. It is human to cry after what happen. You will feel better after that and dont forget to spread your wings and fly again

  2. Good one, my dear.. good one.. it's right.. i support.. so am i
